Data Modernization and Informatics

Public health data and surveillance systems are core components of our nation’s public health infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized how critical these data systems are for the public as well as the need to transform and upgrade them to better meet current and future demands.

Public health data modernization is a collective effort executed by federal, state, local, and tribal organizations to strengthen these systems. ASTHO has identified data modernization and interoperability as one of its strategic priorities, highlighting the need for an enterprise-level data infrastructure in which public health data systems are interoperable, secure, and supported by a state-of-the-art workforce.

ASTHO supports its members and health agency staff in advancing data modernization efforts by providing technical assistance, capacity building support, and leadership development opportunities. ASTHO also supports forums for stakeholder engagement and peer-to-peer learning such as the Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum, an annual convening of public health leaders and technology experts who tackle the toughest public health data and technology challenges.


Midsection of a doctor holding a stethoscope over a tablet with a digital image of the globe and icons of people connected by lines

Data Exchange to Save Lives: IIS and HIE Relationships & The Laws Protecting Public Health Data

This pair of ASTHOReports provide health, data, technology, and policy leaders with context and considerations for enhancing data sharing to advance population health.

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Screenshot of COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory

COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory

This database catalogues state/territorial health agency adoption of surveillance systems and digital technologies that support COVID-19 response.

Explore the Inventory
Smartphone with a COVID-19 Tracking app open

Digital Tools Adopted by Public Health Agencies to Support COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing, United States, 2020-2021

ASTHO and CDC co-authored this Public Health Reports article about the technologies and digital tools used to support COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing.

Read the Article
COVID-19 molecule and tech icons overlaid on top of doctor in PPE

Public Health’s Use of Digital Tools During COVID-19

This brief describes decision-making amongst health agency leaders and their informatics staff as they selected and implemented digital resources to support COVID-19 pandemic response.

Read the Brief

Strengthening Health Agencies through Consensus-driven Data Standards and Practices

An environmental scan consisting of a literature, policy, and guidelines review. Produced in partnership with Briljent and EMI Advisors.

View the Scan (PDF)

Cluster Analysis for Population Segmentation & Targeted Health Outreach

Public health leadership from Missouri and experts from Deloitte discuss an approach for population segmentation in Missouri's COVID-19 vaccine outreach.

Watch the Webinar

Latest Informatics Resources

Hands gripping their neighbor's wrist in a circle, signifying teamwork and strength

Supporting Incarcerated People’s Recovery: Linkage to Care Policies for People Entering and Exiting Incarceration with Substance Use Disorder

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Person using a laptop, an illustrated data web is visible

Policy Approaches to Improve State and Local Data Sharing

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Search and rescue workers go toward a helicopter

Leading Health Security Efforts Through Strategic Collaboration and Innovation

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Stethoscope and tablet rest on a doctor's desk while he takes notes on a laptop

Sustaining DMI: A State Health Official’s Guide to Enhanced Funding

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Coworkers at a conference table

Sustaining DMI: Medicaid Advanced Planning Document Process

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Papers and a calculator on a desktop, indicating hard work

Sustaining DMI: Conditions for Enhanced Funding

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Healthcare professionals meet in a conference room

Policy Options to Improve Data Sharing Between State and Local Health Departments

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Improving Public Health by Modernizing Data Exchange

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ASTHO manages its peer network—the Informatics and Data Modernization Network (IDMN)—which is open to health agency informatics and DMI leaders (e.g., informatics directors, DMI directors) in states, territories, and freely associated states. The IDMN provides a venue for members to share and discuss emerging or pressing informatics and data modernization initiatives, innovations, opportunities, resources, and best practices. 

ASTHO regularly engages with key partners to advance state and territorial data modernization priorities. Key partners include:

  • Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • CDC
  • Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
  • Public Health Informatics Institute
  • Health Information and Management Systems Society
  • National Association of County and City Health Officials
  • Association of Public Health Laboratories
  • American Immunization Registry Association
  • Electronic Health Record Association
  • Civitas Networks for Health