Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak was declared a public health emergency by United States authorities in January 2020, ASTHO has been working with our members, federal agencies, and association partners to ensure state and territorial agencies have the resources and information they need to effectively respond to the pandemic.
ASTHO's incident command structure has been activated to support state and territorial health officials and their agencies. Below are frequently used COVID-19 resources produced by ASTHO. For additional resources or to learn more about ASTHO’s role in the COVID-19 response, please contact ASTHO's response team at

Making Contact: A Training for COVID-19 Contact Tracers
This four-lesson course provides an entry-level foundation in contact tracing from a remote location. Learn how to identify, assess, and manage people who have been exposed to infection.
Explore the Course
COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory
This database catalogues state/territorial health agency adoption of surveillance systems and digital technologies that support COVID-19 response.
Explore the Inventory
COVID-19 Public Health Communications Resource Hub
This online repository is a collection of resources, products, and event recordings that health officials can use to enhance communication efforts during a public health emergency.
Explore the HubLatest COVID-19 Resources

How Mississippi Prioritizes Environmental Justice During Disaster Response
Learn More