Our Mission: To support, equip, and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public’s health and well-being.
Legislative Prospectus Series
Discover the 2025 Legislative Prospectus Series, a collection of briefs highlighting upcoming legislation proposals that impact public health across the states and territories.
Events & Opportunities
Building Capacity to Advance Health Informational Session
Join us for an information session on the Building Capacity to Advance Health (BCAH) program and learn how this three-month certificate can elevate your leadership skills in governmental public health. The BCAH program equips you with practical tools to drive health equity initiatives, focusing on key areas like systems thinking, organizational development, and change management.Register -
Centering Community-Led Strategies to Sustainable Public Health Financing
This 90-minute session will focus on addressing the structural barriers that hinder advancement in government public health agencies (federal, state, and local). It will also share recommendations aimed at fostering collaboration, partnership, and sustainability within communities.Register
Building Capacity to Advance Health Informational Session
Join us for an information session on the Building Capacity to Advance Health (BCAH) program and learn how this three-month certificate can elevate your leadership skills in governmental public health. The BCAH program equips you with practical tools to drive health equity initiatives, focusing on key areas like systems thinking, organizational development, and change management.Register -
Centering Community-Led Strategies to Sustainable Public Health Financing
This 90-minute session will focus on addressing the structural barriers that hinder advancement in government public health agencies (federal, state, and local). It will also share recommendations aimed at fostering collaboration, partnership, and sustainability within communities.Register
On Demand
ASTHO's Change Management eLearning Series
As a result of completing the learning modules you should be able to define change, list the stages of change, assess organization readiness for change, outline best practices in change management, identify guiding principles and key roles of a leader in the change management process, and discuss Kotter’s 8-Step and 4 Principles to Accelerate Change.Register -
On Demand
Essentials of Leadership & Management: A Training for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Program Supervisors
This course prepares new and existing supervisors for their roles within governmental public health agencies building on core management and leadership competencies and incorporates case examples and technical content specific to those supervising COVID-19 contact tracers.Register
Leadership Exchange for Adolescent Health Promotion Plus (LEAHP+) Community of Practice
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Implementing Pharmacist-Prescribed Contraception Learning Community
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