Braiding and Layering Funding for Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention

August 05, 2021

Get the Report (PDF)In recent years, states and territories have started looking at braiding and layering funding streams as a way to leverage existing resources to achieve population-level impact. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is one area that lends itself well to braiding and layering funds, since the risk and protective factors for ACEs span across multiple program areas, including maternal and child health, violence prevention, substance misuse, behavioral health, housing, chronic disease, and early childhood education. This report aims to help state and territorial health agency staff understand the process of braiding and layering funds and identifying opportunities to maximize ACEs prevention resources and impact. ASTHO created this report with input from state and territorial health agency senior deputies, other senior leadership, federal partners, and internal ASTHO subject matter experts.

Get the Report (PDF)