Relate, be inspired, discover, take action, and inspire others

Welcome to INSPIRE: Readiness, ASTHO's innovative platform designed to tackle the pressing challenges of public health preparedness.

In an era where state and territorial health agencies frequently confront obstacles, especially during communicable disease outbreaks, our collective network stands as a testament to the remarkable resilience and inventiveness that can emerge during difficult times. Here, you can share your experiences, understand the trials and triumphs of others, and find new approaches for complex issues like policy development, funding, system improvements, workforce management, training initiatives, health equity, and data-driven strategies. Discover cutting-edge methodologies, explore leading-edge tools, and access a broad spectrum of modern resources.

INSPIRE: Readiness is a proactive space that encourages you to take action, leveraging these resources to effectively address public health readiness challenges. In turn, your experiences and successes will inspire others, fostering a cycle of ongoing improvement and innovation. Join us at INSPIRE: Readiness and play an active role in shaping the future of public health.



Challenges and Effective Solutions for Public Health Emergency Preparedness


The diverse group of professionals and volunteers responsible for planning, executing, and managing response efforts during public health emergencies. These individuals possess a wide range of skills, knowledge, and expertise necessary to address the unique challenges that arise during emergencies. A well-prepared, competent, and adaptable workforce is crucial to ensuring efficient, effective, and equitable responses to public health emergencies, ultimately promoting community resilience and safeguarding public health.


The educational programs, tools, and materials designed to support professionals and volunteers and equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to effectively respond to public health emergencies. Comprehensive training and access to up-to-date resources ensure that the workforce can efficiently address diverse challenges, implement equitable response strategies, and support the overall resilience and well-being of communities during emergencies.


The collection, analysis, and dissemination of vital information to inform decision-making and coordinate effective responses during public health emergencies. Robust data systems and efficient management strategies enable professionals to monitor emerging threats, allocate resources equitably, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, ultimately contributing to the overall resilience and well-being of communities facing emergencies.


Equity in public health emergency preparedness focuses on justly distributing resources and support to all populations and reducing inequities created by structural racism and discrimination. This approach addresses unique needs and social determinants of health to create inclusive preparedness plans, establishes partnerships throughout communities, and considers who is part of the discussion and who is missing from the table. Prioritizing equity helps reduce the impact of disasters on marginalized groups, promotes resilience and societal cohesion, and prevents existing health disparities from worsening.


Showcasing Innovations and Success Stories in Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Innovative Strides Toward Health Equity:
State-Led Initiatives in Emergency Preparedness

Innovative Strides Toward Health Equity- State-Led Initiatives in Emergency Preparedness

During public health emergencies, health departments must prioritize ensuring equal access to health resources and addressing health disparities. Multiple states have taken significant steps to promote inclusion and equity in emergency preparedness, showcasing unique approaches to alleviating disparities and driving health equity efforts forward. California, New York, Oregon, Minnesota, and Louisiana stand out for their commitment to equal access and innovative strategies to address health inequities.

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Strengthening the Frontlines: The Carolina CommunityTracing Collaborative's Innovative Approach to COVID-19

Strengthening the Frontlines The Carolina Community

In April 2020, North Carolina, like many states, was grappling with the burgeoning COVID-19 pandemic. The state's public health agencies quickly understood that they needed to implement extensive contact tracing to curb the spread of the virus. However, they were constrained by staffing limitations and needed a solution that was swift, efficient, and expansive.

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