Questions About Our Program

What is DELPH?

ASTHO and the Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI) at Morehouse School of Medicine have teamed up to provide our unique approach to developing successful and effective leaders in public health and beyond by creating The Diverse Executives Leading In Public health (DELPH) program, with funding from our partners at the CDC. This new leadership development program will increase and strengthen participants’ visibility and exposure in public health systems, access to key networks, and leadership development opportunities.

The Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health (DELPH) program is dedicated to the development of mid-senior level leaders in public health from diverse backgrounds. It serves public health professionals across the nation with a wide range of experiences including public health disciplines and a mix of local, state, tribal, and island representatives. Program participants are selected from experienced public health professionals who can bring a diverse perspective to the cohort based on their personal adaptability, cultural fluency, resilience, and lived experiences.

What are the qualifications for acceptance to the DELPH Program?
  1. Currently employed in a mid- to senior-level role within a governmental public health agency (e.g., director of an administrative unit, bureau, or functional area) at the local, state, or tribal level.
  2. Have a minimum of one (1) year of experience in a governmental public health position.
  3. Have support of the organization’s executive leadership and direct supervisor to participate in the program.
  4. Self-identify as a public health professional from an underrepresented group, including people of color, disability status, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
  5. Be committed to fully engaging in all program benefits, including:
    • Attending monthly virtual sessions, a cohort retreat, and an ASTHO leadership meeting.
    • Completing self-study modules and participating in cohort discussions.
    • Actively engaging with an assigned mentor and executive coach.
    • Actively engaging as a volunteer through association leadership opportunities.
    • Serving as an ambassador to recruit and retain diverse leadership candidates for their agency.
How do we define “mid- to senior level career public health professional”?

While there is no single, clear definition for mid- to senior level career, please hold these dot points together as a whole—in other words, the weight of their combined experience should clearly lean to at least mid-career. This should be clearly presented in your resume/CV or otherwise noted in your letter of support from a current supervisor.

Someone whose work experiences demonstrate:

  • A progression of increased job responsibilities over time.
  • Supervising others or teams for at least two-four years, with additional weight for supervising/managing people who supervise others.
  • Significant responsibility for policy making, strategic planning, budgeting, marketing, product development (or directly leading up to/significantly supporting senior leaders in these areas).
  • Leading or managing innovation projects or complex/difficult problems.
  • Proven results and failures from which they have learned.
What are the benefits to participating in the program?
  • The DELPH Program will provide opportunities to explore individual identity and actions to positively influence the work and culture of an organization through communication, leadership, and goal setting.
  • Each participant will be provided with an executive coach, and faculty and staff will customize experiences to best support individual goals. The DELPH Program is structured to enhance and strengthen each participant’s:
    • Visibility and exposure in governmental public health.
    • Access to key networks and leadership opportunities.
    • Personal leadership identity.
    • Personal leadership development plan.
    • Connections to a peer support network.
Is there a cost for participating in DELPH?

Thanks to the financial support of the CDC office, all program expenses including travel and lodging for in-person events will be covered by the program funding.

Will accommodations be made for those with disabilities?

Yes, reasonable accommodation(s) will be made for both virtual and in-person learning for those DELPH participants that need it. Please indicate what accommodations you may need in the application and our program team will reach out to you if there are any questions.

Why is there an application process?

Peer learning is a vital part of any well-designed leadership development program. It is critical that program participants be able to add value to the leadership conversation. A committee of leaders from ASTHO and SHLI will review each application carefully to ensure that participants have the experience and opportunity to impact change within their organizations.

Questions About Applying/For Applicants

What is involved in the application process?

The process for applying for this program is an open competition. A written application must be submitted by the appointed deadline to be considered for review. The application will be comprised of the candidate’s demographic profile, submission of a video* response, and submission of a curriculum vitae or resume. Full application packets are due by the deadline indicated in the application link.

*Alternative options for media accommodation can be made for those with disabilities. Please submit your accommodation request in an email to our support inbox at

Why is there an application process?

Peer learning is a vital part of any well-designed leadership development program. It is therefore critical that program participants be able to add value to the leadership conversation. A committee of leaders from ASTHO and SHLI will review each application carefully to ensure that participants have the experience and opportunity to impact change within their organizations.

Is travel a requirement to participate in DELPH?
  • There are in-person networking and educational trips planned for each cohort of the program. Please refer to the application page for specifics on dates and locations.
  • Participation in these events is a requirement for participation in the program.
  • The program team will continue to monitor and adhere to travel guidance from CDC regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Is there a cost for participating in DELPH?

Thanks to the financial support of the CDC office, all program expenses including travel and lodging for in-person events will be covered by the program funding.

How much time is required to participate?

The monthly time commitment varies per participant, but on average will take 20 hours per month to fully engage with the self-study asynchronous modules, readings and assignments, live webinars, executive coaching, and session reflections. This program does not require a sabbatical.

How long is the program?

The DELPH program is designed to be a 10-month cohort program for up to 16 participants. By participating in the program, you will:

  • Attend monthly virtual sessions, a cohort retreat, and an ASTHO leadership meeting.
  • Complete self-study modules and participating in cohort discussions.
  • Actively engage with an assigned mentor and executive coach.
  • Actively engage as a volunteer through association leadership opportunities.
  • Serve as an ambassador to recruit and retain diverse leadership candidates for their agency.
What will you receive at the completion of the program?

Each participant will receive:

  • A certificate of completion from ASTHO and the Morehouse School of Medicine.
  • A digital badge to share electronically designating you as a DELPH Scholar.