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Medication-Assisted Treatment in Pregnancy


This brief outlines some of the barriers that pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder face, as well as examples of state legislation passed to address recovery program implementation, treatment funding and insurance ...

Successes from the Suicide and Opioid Overdose Prevention Public Health Initiative

This brief analyzes the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to participation in the Suicide and Opioid Overdose Prevention Public Health Initiative.

Preventing Fatal Overdoses in Postpartum Populations

This brief outlines key considerations for state health departments to address the increase in overdose-related deaths during the postpartum period.

State, Territorial, and Freely Associated State Health Agencies National Report 2022

The Suicide, Overdose, Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool (SPACECAT) compiled a national report and accompanying infographic, that break down the biggest findings from the data, and highlight the biggest ...

Creating a Shared Approach to Suicide and Overdose Prevention

In the United States, suicide and overdose are among the top 10 leading causes of death. At the intersection of suicide and overdose are shared factors that can be assessed to support a comprehensive approach to prevention. The COVID-19 ...

The Role of Syringe Services Programs in New Mexico’s Opioid Crisis Response

This brief describes how the New Mexico Department of Health has enhanced its harm reduction program to provide an evidence-based comprehensive care model to support the health of people who use drugs. New Mexico’s success in leveraging ...

What Surrounds Us Shapes Our Health


What Surrounds Us Shapes Our Health caregiver stress, traumatic childhood experiences, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, child abuse, physical health, supporting services, healthier neighborhoods, mental health, primary ...

Overdose Data to Action: Public Health-Public Safety Partnerships

ASTHO conducted focus groups to examine overdose-related issues and identify potential engagement opportunities for public health and public safety around overdose prevention. This brief outlines key takeaways and is designed to serve as a ...