Using Health Equity Indicators to Guide Community Health Improvement in U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States
August 14, 2024
Health equity metrics play an integral role as the island areas work to achieve health equity efforts. These metrics help them to understand issues impacting communities, assess and monitor progress on efforts, and identify opportunities for improvement. Health equity metrics also help to establish and sustain a culture of equity, guided by ongoing engagement of public health agencies, partners, and communities to help prevent, mitigate, and eliminate inequities among communities and populations. Differences in modernized data systems, workforce capacity, and public health infrastructure place different challenges on island areas public health agencies to collect, analyze, and monitor data to track improvements in health equity.
ASTHO developed this guide to help provide a new perspective aimed at expanding processes to track advancements in health equity. It serves as a roadmap for island areas public health agencies to establish a shared understanding of health equity, identify and develop health equity indicators and measures, and track progress on health equity efforts.
Facilitation Slides
Health equity metrics, including indicators and measures, play an integral role in helping to establish and sustain a culture of equity. This slide deck aligns with the steps in the "Using Health Equity Indicators to Guide Community Health Improvement in U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States" report and serves as a training to support conversations around measuring health equity in island areas. Slides may be adapted to reflect the local community and context, and may be especially helpful when working in collaboration with public health agencies, organizational partners, and the community.