Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Nine Steps to Success

Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Nine Steps to Success thumbnailWe strive to be customer-oriented and we want to know how we are doing in the eyes of our customers. Doing this right in the public health world is challenging but not impossible. And it’s important too. Measuring satisfaction is a valuable way to obtain feedback from a range of customers and stakeholders to improve services.  To underscore its importance, the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) included capturing and analyzing customer feedback as a measure among its standards.

Recently, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) unveiled a toolkit for measuring customer satisfaction. The toolkit builds on work undertaken by several states. Individuals interviewed for this project repeated the same lessons learned.Before you begin, think carefully about why you are doing this work and what you want to learn. Important decisions must be made before surveys are prepared, distributed and analyzed.

The toolkit walks the user through the nine steps of planning, implementation, and acting upon results. Examples and lessons learned are provided along with helpful tips.

Explore the Steps (PDF)

The toolkit was funded through the National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII) under the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS), CDC. The toolkit was researched and prepared by Elizabeth Lee under contract with ASTHO. For more information contact us at