Cyanobacterial Blooms and Associated Illnesses: A Clinician Training Module for Physicians and Healthcare Providers

April 18, 2022

Cyanobacterial Blooms and Associated Illnesses Presentation Cover SlideASTHO has created a clinician toolbox for physicians and healthcare providers to help them better understand cyanobacterial blooms and associated illnesses. Since a cyanotoxin exposure diagnosis is often one of exclusion, the training module is aimed to help clinicians recognize signs and symptoms associated with cyanobacterial bloom-associated illnesses; describe how to diagnose cyanobacterial bloom-associated illnesses, including cyanotoxin exposures; know where to find cyanobacterial bloom advisories; and explain the importance of reporting cyanobacterial bloom-associated illnesses to the state health agency. This toolbox is meant to be used by health agency staff when providing training to healthcare providers, and can be adapted to meet the specific training needs of the jurisdiction.

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