This episode emphasizes the importance of addressing heart disease and stroke prevention through approaches that center on health equity, including systems-level changes, quality improvement, and community development. CDC’s Division for ...
To help reverse upward trends in heart disease, CDC has called on state and territorial health departments to continue work in tobacco and obesity prevention, the dominant behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
It seems fitting for Valentine’s Day to occur during American Heart Month, a national health observance that reminds Americans to focus on their hearts.
The newly-released second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans is timely - its emphasis on the significant increase in documented health benefits of physical activity dovetails nicely with commitments to new years ...
Interview with Marissa Levine (alumni-VA) about the Virginia Cardiovascular Health Collaborative and other heart healthy initiatives in the commonwealth.
This report highlights how a six-state "payers cohort," through the ASTHO/CDC Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Learning Collaborative, convened cross-sector teams which included payer partners, local health agency staff, ...
ASTHO partnered with the International Association for Indigenous Aging to produce this series of communication materials to address the connection between brain health and heart health.
New Guidelines Highlight Public Health Role in Promoting Heart Health ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) agrees the updated blood pressure guidelines published this week by the American Heart ...
State Policies Promote the Importance of Defibrillators and CPR astho, association of state and territorial health officials, automated external defibrillators, heart disease, cpr training, defibrillators and cpr, cardiac arrest, coronary ...
This report highlights how the North Dakota Department of Health and its partners tested health information technology approaches to improve blood pressure measurement and referral systems in eight local health units and one tribal ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with approximately 30% of all heart disease deaths attributed to smoking cigarettes.
Hypertension disorders in pregnancy are the leading cause of maternal death, but state and territorial health agencies can address hypertension in pregnancy and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.
This brief explores how state and territorial health agencies can engage people who provide social support for individuals and families with hypertension.
In recognition of American Heart Month, this episode focuses on the important role that community health workers (CHWs) play in Virginia’s statewide approach to addressing health disparities and heart disease, in particular.
February is Heart Month, a time to not only celebrate our love for others but also the organ that pumps us full of life - yet heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. This post is an overview of state ...
Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in Guam, Palau, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. These jurisdictions are taking innovative steps to reduce hypertension among their populations.
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention in the Pacific Territories heart disease, stroke prevention, american heart month, cardiovascular health, chronic disease, pacific territories, environmental infrastructure, disease epidemic, tobacco ...
This library provides hypertension-related tools and resources from states, national organizations, and federal agencies to help states and territories use data to drive action, standardize clinical practice, strengthen community-clinical ...