Initiating Cross-Sector Partnerships to Advance Population Health

November 23, 2021

Cover of Initiating Cross-Sector Partnerships to Advance Population HealthSocial determinants of health, are the conditions in which people are born, live, work, play, worship, and age, all of which affect health and well-being. It is best to address these complex issues through collaborative partnerships. Public health agency staff can initiate and develop cross-sector partnerships to collaborate with other governmental agencies on common goals and priorities (e.g., affordable housing, public transportation,and healthcare services). While negotiating multiple operational realities and terminology across sectors is challenging, alignment and coordination may help create the community conditions that make it easier for people to make healthy choices. This report will share action steps that public health agencies can use to initiate and sustain a cross-sector partnership and highlight examples of successful public health collaborations with Medicaid, housing, and transportation agencies.

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