Contraception Access Learning Community: Resources

ASTHO is producing a series of written publications and online learning opportunities as part of the Contraception Access Learning Community.

The virtual learning resources include webinars highlighting emerging topics related to expanding access to contraception. Some of these webinars are part of series focused on a specific topic area and paired with written resources; others are standalone, addressing one topic. Guest speakers on these webinars include state health agency staff, clinical experts, researchers, and policymakers.

The written publications highlight key considerations and emerging topics in contraception access.

Latest Webinar

Implementation of Pharmacist-Prescribed Contraception

This is the third of four virtual learning opportunities focused on pharmacist-prescribed contraception (PPC).

Session 3: Health Plan Coverage of Services

May 16, 2024

Health plan coverage of this essential service maximizes the impact of these policies and allows patient choice and utilization of PPC models.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe current challenges and opportunities regarding health plan coverage of PPC services.
  • Understand implementation of payment for pharmacist services.
Session 3 Speakers
  • Sally Rafie, PharmD, BCPS, APh, NCMP, FCCP, FCPhA, Founder of Birth Control Pharmacist
  • E. Michael Murphy, PharmD, MBA, Advisor for State Government Affairs, American Pharmacists Association
  • Denise Clayton, RPh, FAPhA, Clinical Pharmacist Manager, Commercial Pharmacy, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Angela B. Smith, PharmD, DHA, MHA, FACHE, Director of Pharmacy and Ancillary Services, NC Medicaid, Division of Health Benefits, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Charlene Sampson, RPh, Pharmacist, NC Medicaid, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Additional Expert Panelist
  • JoeMichael T. Fusco, PharmD, MCO Pharmacy Compliance Manager, Virginia Dept of Medical Assistance Services

Previous Webinars By Topic

Strategies to Conduct a Successful Statewide Needs Assessment

Oct. 25, 2022

During this session, researchers and subject matter experts explore key considerations and strategies for successful statewide needs assessments focused on family planning. The presenters discuss how to develop and implement surveys and analyze data to inform decisions about state family planning needs, with a focus on health equity and reproductive justice.


  • Elizabeth Jones, MPA, Service Delivery Improvement, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
  • Brittni Frederiksen, PhD, MPH, Associate Director for Women's Health Policy, Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Ariana Bennett, DrPH, University of California, Berkeley School of Social Welfare
Providing Culturally Responsive Reproductive Healthcare

Nov. 29, 2022

During this session, subject matter experts discuss strategies to ensure diverse patient populations receive respectful and appropriate care before, during, and after a visit, both in-person and via telehealth.


  • Caitlin Hungate, TTA Provider and Fiscal Lead, Reproductive Health National Training Center
  • Deepika Kandasamy, TTA Provider, Reproductive Health National Training Center
  • Adelaide McClintock, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Washington
Connecting Your Communities to Family Planning Coverage

Aug. 2, 2023

In this webinar, subject matter experts explore Medicaid family planning state plan amendments (SPAs) and waivers, focusing on Illinois as a case study.


  • Kai Tao, ND, MPH, FACM, Co-founder & Principal, Impact and Innovation, Illinois Contraceptive Access Now (ICAN!)
  • Katie Thiede, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Illinois Contraceptive Access Now (ICAN!)

Advancing Contraception Access Through Emergency Contraception Series

This two-webinar series focuses on access to emergency contraception (EC) for state health departments and providers.

Session 1: Leveraging State Health Departments to Improve Access to Emergency Contraception

Aug. 15, 2023

The first session in August focused on supporting state and territorial public health staff, as well as their partners, in learning key considerations and strategies to successfully integrate emergency contraception into their practice.

Participants engaged with experts to enhance their understanding and explore how state and territorial health agencies can improve access to emergency contraception. The interactive discussion with panelists equipped participants with the knowledge and skills needed to expand emergency contraception access in their programs.

Session 1 Speakers


Session 2: Provider Strategies to Improve Access to Emergency Contraception

Dec. 13, 2023

The Contraception Access Learning Community hosted a webinar designed to support clinical staff and healthcare providers in expanding access to emergency contraception. Experts describe the current context for the provision of emergency contraception in the United States, share exciting clinical research about new emergency contraceptive options, and discuss innovative strategies that providers and clinics can use to improve access. Following this session, participants will be equipped to provide and advocate for new methods to expand emergency contraception offerings in various health care settings.

Session 2 Speakers

  • Kelly Cleland, MPH, Executive Director, American Society for Emergency Contraception
  • Sarah Elliott, MPH, Associate Director, ASCENT Center for Reproductive Health and Family Planning Division, University of Utah
  • David Turok, M.D., MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,  University of Utah
Engaging Adolescents in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care and Education

Sept. 6, 2023

Join this exciting discussion as part of ASTHO's Contraception Access Learning Community. In this webinar, participants will explore trends in adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH), while hearing from two organizations on how to successfully engage adolescents in their SRH care and education.


  • April Kayser, Health Education Senior Program Specialist at Multnomah County Health Department’s Community & Adolescent Health Program
  • Lindsay Sauve, MPH, Program and Evaluation Manager at Oregon Health & Science University
  • Mayla H. Jackson, MPH, Director of Family Planning at AccessMatters
Implementation of Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception Series

This four-part online learning series will focus on the intricacies of implementation of pharmacist prescribed contraception.

Session 1: Key Policy Considerations

Nov. 8, 2023

This ASTHOConnects focuses on foundational knowledge surrounding PPC. This webinar orients PPC within the larger movement to expand access to birth control and reproductive justice and describes the key elements of pharmacist prescribed contraception models and policy implications on implementation of PPC. 

Session 1 Speakers

  • Sally Rafie, PharmD, BCPS, APh, NCMP, FCCP, FCPhA, Founder of Birth Control Pharmacist
  • Allie Jo Shipman, PharmD, MBA, Senior Director, Policy & Professional Affairs at National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA)


Session 2: Clinical Training & Workforce Engagement

Jan. 30, 2024

In collaboration with Birth Control Pharmacist, take a deeper dive into clinical training and workforce engagement for successful implementation of PPC.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will:

  • Be able to describe training requirements and opportunities for pharmacist-prescribed contraception (PPC)
  • Gain insights into the interprofessional coalition roles for effective implementation of PPC
  • Understand examples of pharmacist engagement to implement PPC

Session 2 Speakers

  • Sally Rafie, PharmD, BCPS, APh, NCMP, FCCP, FCPhA, Founder of Birth Control Pharmacist
  • Ashley Meredith, PharmD, MPH, Clinical Professor, Purdue University
  • Veronica Vernon, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Assistant Professor and Vice Chair of Pharmacy Practice, Butler University
  • Tracey Wilkinson, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and OB/GYN, Indiana University School of Medicine
  • Mollie Ashe Scott, PharmD, BCACP, CPP, FASHP, FNCAP, Regional Associate Dean, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and Chair of Pharmacotherapy, MAHEC, University of North Carolina


Session 3: Health Plan Coverage of Services

May 16, 2024

Health plan coverage of this essential service maximizes the impact of these policies and allows patient choice and utilization of PPC models.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe current challenges and opportunities regarding health plan coverage of PPC services.
  • Understand implementation of payment for pharmacist services.

Session 3 Speakers

  • Sally Rafie, PharmD, BCPS, APh, NCMP, FCCP, FCPhA, Founder of Birth Control Pharmacist
  • E. Michael Murphy, PharmD, MBA, Advisor for State Government Affairs, American Pharmacists Association
  • Denise Clayton, RPh, FAPhA, Clinical Pharmacist Manager, Commercial Pharmacy, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Angela B. Smith, PharmD, DHA, MHA, FACHE, Director of Pharmacy and Ancillary Services, NC Medicaid, Division of Health Benefits, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Charlene Sampson, RPh, Pharmacist, NC Medicaid, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Additional Expert Panelist

  • JoeMichael T. Fusco, PharmD, MCO Pharmacy Compliance Manager, Virginia Dept of Medical Assistance Services

Additional Resources

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Opportunities and Barriers to Contraception Access on College Campuses

April 3, 2023

This blog post examines the landscape of contraceptive access on college campuses and opportunities to engage students and community-based organizations to improve access to contraceptives.

Read the Post

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Current Trends in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Oct. 11, 2023

This brief examines how states are pioneering strategies to improve access to sexual and reproductive education and healthcare for adolescents.

Read the ASTHOBrief

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Key Considerations: Strategies to Improve Access to Emergency Contraception

May 6, 2024

Emergency contraception (EC) is contraception used after unprotected sex, contraceptive failure (such as when a condom breaks), or sexual assault. EC pills are more likely to work the sooner they are taken. Any barrier or delay to access increases the risk of pregnancy. These fact sheets outline methods of EC and how to improve access.

For State Health Departments (PDF)  For Healthcare Providers (PDF)


Moving from Design to Implementation: Lessons on Expanding Contraception Access in New Jersey

July 8, 2024

As New Jersey implements legislation to expand contraception access, state officials are focusing on cross-sector and interagency collaboration. Public sector leaders in other states working to expand access to reproductive health services can explore lessons learned and key takeaways in a new report from ASTHO and Center for Health Care Strategies.

Get the ASTHOReport

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Public Health Leader Profile: Joy Borjes on Leading Teams Through Change

July 15, 2024

Under the leadership of Associate Commissioner for Family Health Strategy Joy Borjes, women's health programs in the state of Texas have redesigned a long-acting reversible contraceptive toolkit, strengthened partnerships, and received a 65% increase in family planning funding from the Texas Legislature. Learn about Joy's work and support received from the ASTHO's Contraception Access Learning Community, in a profile developed in partnership with the Center for Health Care Strategies.

Read the Post