COVID-19 has elevated our nation’s stress level. When not managed properly (or without any buffers like social support) stress is associated with increased depression and anxiety. Because COVID-19 impacts risk factors for suicide, such as ...
Debra Houry, CDC's director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control discusses the impact of adverse childhood experiences and how discusses the prevention work that she and her team have done.
As we commemorate Mental Health Month in May, state health departments are tasked with a monumental public health crisis that includes the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and suicide.
ASTHO President States Third Year of Declining Life Expectancy is a “Wake-Up Call” ARLINGTON, VA—Suicides and drug overdoses caused life expectancy in the United States to fall again in 2017. In what is the longest downward trend since ...
This episode explores the rise of suicide rates across the United States and the need for a comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention. This discussion features a federal overview of the current landscape, Colorado’s ...
This brief outlines key considerations for state health departments to keep in mind as they create financing, data, and policy partnerships with behavioral health stakeholders.