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How States Are Housing the Homeless During a Pandemic


Policymakers seek to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by focusing on non-congregate sheltering and alternative housing for unhoused populations.

The Intersection of Health and Housing: CMS’s Potential Medicaid Investments


Emerging evidence indicates that affordable, safe, and stable housing directly impacts an individual’s health and well-being, emphasizing the importance of designing Medicaid benefits packages that incorporate the social determinants of ...

States’ Food, Housing, and Transportation Initiatives Aim to Reduce Health Disparities


Considerable evidence supports the connection between housing, food security, transportation and health outcomes, so states are implementing policies to build healthy environments that ensure equitable opportunity for wellness.

Leadership Conversation with ChangeLab Solutions Founder and CEO Marice Ashe


Marice Ashe, founder and CEO of ChangeLab Solutions, discusses advice for states and territories working to build healthier, more resilient communities to advance health equity.