Alison Maffey

Alison MaffeyAli Maffey joined ASTHO in early 2023 as the Vice President of Social and Behavioral Health. Her portfolio includes substance use disorder and overdose prevention, mental health promotion, and preventing violence, firearm injury, suicide, and adverse childhood experiences.

Ali came to ASTHO after 10 years in the Violence and Injury Prevention - Mental Health Promotion Branch of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) where she oversaw the work of the statewide youth health survey and multiple substance use disorder prevention programs using a shared risk and protective factor approach. Ali helped launch the first state public health response to adult-use cannabis legalization in 2014.

Prior to the state health department, Ali previously worked with two national nonprofits providing capacity building to state education and health agencies on policy change and spent three years in local public health addressing tobacco, suicide prevention and emergency preparedness. Ali lives outside Denver with her husband and twin six-year-olds.