Performance Dashboard Tool

ASTHO worked with health officials, consultants, and subject matter experts from state and territorial health departments to develop 30 comprehensive performance indicators. Health Officials and Senior Deputies can adopt ASTHO’s core set of indicators in their performance management system to check the pulse of their agency’s internal operations, collect baseline data, and initiate quality improvement projects.

ASTHO’s Performance Dashboard is an ongoing project! In the future, executives can utilize the dashboard as national benchmarking tool to identify best practices, improve decision-making, and enhances internal processes that lead to high-quality public health service delivery. This project is supported with funds from the CDC.

  • Performance Dashboard Report
  • Indicators at a Glance (PDF)
  • PHAB Measure and ASTHO Performance Dashboard Cross Walk

Focus Areas

Customer Satisfaction

Customer focus is a key part of an organization’s performance management system. The purpose of these indicators is to assess the health department’s engagement with seeking customer feedback and responsiveness to customer concerns.

Financial Management

Sound financial practices are basic to any organization and enhance the health department’s ability to manage resources wisely, to analyze present and future needs, and to sustain operations. Health departments are accountable to their governing entity, elected officials, and the public they serve for the responsible oversight of public funds. This focus area includes indicators that measure the capacity of the health department to manage the organization’s finances.

Grants and Contracting

The longer it takes to initiate, execute, and finalize a grant or contract, the more resources must be allocated to the process itself. This focus area includes indicators that assess the health department’s ability to manage grants and contracts, and measures the efficiency and timeliness of the health department’s grants/contracting practices.

Human Capital

Effective public health practice requires a well-prepared workforce. Maintaining a competent public health workforce requires a supply of trained and qualified public health workers sufficient to meet the needs of public health departments. Staff job duties and performance should be regularly reviewed to note accomplishments and areas that need improvement. This should not be a punitive process but one that identifies needs for employee training or education. This focus area contains measures that provide data to assess the efficiency of the hiring process and the experience, satisfaction, and retention of a health department’s workforce.

Information Services and Technology

Health departments should present information to different audiences through a variety of methods, including information technology. The purpose of this indicator focus area is to demonstrate the capacity of the health department to assess their internal response for IT issues and determine which health departments have a plan to build advance the health department’s infrastructure.

Process Improvement

For the health department to most effectively and efficiently improve the health of the population, it is important to monitor the quality of performance of public health processes, programs, interventions and other activities. Process improvement requires the regular use of quality improvement approaches, methods, tools and techniques, as well as application of lessons learned from evaluation. The indicators in this focus area provide information on the extent to which health departments are implementing strategies for process improvement.

Program Development

Assessing the quality and reach of health department programs is critical to understanding how well the health department is executing activities and directly relates to how well the community is being served. Health improvement efforts will also be most effective if the community has contributed to the dialogue, deliberated on the options and alternatives, and taken ownership of the decisions. Collaboration develops a sense of shared responsibility, leads to better coordination of the use of resources, and provides the health department with various perspectives and additional expertise.  Evidence-based approaches and programs provide a foundation of proven interventions and activities to achieve the highest impact for positive population health changes. This focus area includes indicators that assess the extent to which health departments establish and maintain partnerships (internally and within the community) and utilizes best practices (i.e., performance targets/measures, evidence-based interventions).

Vital Statistics and Request for Records

A health department has access to a wealth of data, either created by the department or collected from others. To use this data effectively, the health department must maintain a system that provides the ability to process and manage information. This focus area includes indicators that measure the capacity of the health department to accurately maintain information and process information requests.