Adverse Childhood Experiences Infographic Series
January 21, 2021
This three-part infographic series highlights the results of ASTHO's 2019 ACEs capacity assessment tool (ACECAT), which was fielded to all 59 U.S. state and territorial health agencies with a response rate of 75%.
A Look at Primary Prevention Priorities
State and territorial health agencies can prevent many chronic illnesses and behavioral health issues by preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). This infographic details how agencies prioritize primary prevention strategies that stop ACEs from occurring in the first place. By promoting programs with larger societal impact, such as policies that strengthen family economic supports, agencies can have a more considerable influence in preventing ACEs.
Get the Priorities Brief (PDF)
A Look at Areas of Improvement for ACEs Prevention—Health Equity and ACEs Disparities Data
State and territorial health agencies report varying levels of capacity to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) across populations. Unfortunately, a higher ACE burden is experienced by foster care children, justice-involved communities, and communities experiencing poverty and concentrated violence. This infographic details how state and territorial health agencies have opportunities to improve selected partnerships to impact health equity. By strengthening collaboration with justice systems through transformational approaches grounded in reciprocity, S/THAs can improve health equity and reduce ACEs disparities.
Get the Disparities Brief (PDF)
A Look at ACEs Prevention Strengths—Partnerships
Cross-sector collaboration is critical to successfully preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Because the impact of ACEs have societal implications and can potentially affect chronic/behavioral illnesses, everyone has a role in preventing ACEs. This infographic details how state and territorial health agencies utilize partnerships to increase ACEs prevention capacity. Health agencies should review internal and external partnerships and strategic plans to understand roles and responsibilities and reveal opportunities to strengthen collaborative efforts.