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Public Health’s Use of Digital Tools During COVID-19

In an effort to bolster COVID-19 response efforts, state and territorial health agencies looked to update or implement new digital tools and technologies. In response, ASTHO developed a COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory to ...

Policies that Reduce Stigma are Critical to Ending the HIV Epidemic


Supporting policies that reduce HIV stigma and promote health equity is an important public health issue.

Tailoring Messages for Cross-Cultural Communication: Recommendations for COVID-19 Case Investigators and Contact Tracers

Case investigators and contact tracers must understand and adapt to the culture of people with COVID-19 to conduct effective interviews and follow up. It is important that case investigators acknowledge existing fears and concerns, and ...

States Continue Efforts to Build and Strengthen Community Health Workforce


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted workforce challenges and longstanding health inequities within the healthcare and public health systems, because of this there has been an increased interest in developing the community health worker ...

Communicating Public Health Guidance to Cases and Contacts: Recommendations for COVID-19 Case Investigators and Contact Tracers

The fear, uncertainty, and trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have affected how individuals interpret public health messages. With this in mind, this brief outlines recommendations for case investigators and contact tracers to consider ...

Sharing Island Stories on Health Equity: Setting the Stage for Equity in the Island Areas


In the spring of 2022, ASTHO’s island area members convened at the first island-focused COVID-19 Health Equity Action Institutes and asked each other what creating an equitable and sustainable public health and healthcare system looks like ...