ASTHO works closely with state and territorial health officials to shape laws, regulations, and administrative actions that drive improvement in governmental public health agencies. Our members often testify on Capitol Hill through hearings where written and oral testimony is submitted for the Congressional Record. As part of these advocacy efforts, ASTHO helps its members prepare for their hearings on the latest public health challenges and needs.

State and territorial health officials are among the nation’s leading public health experts, and have unique insights into the top health needs and challenges in the jurisdictions where they serve. As such, their expertise and experience are instrumental to informing state, territorial, and national policies that influence community health. These opportunities to inform federal policy through providing testimony as a witness continue to play a central role in securing long-term, flexible Congressional funding for public health through annual appropriations bills, including for CDC and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.

Our members have testified on several leading public health issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency preparedness planning, the opioid crisis, vaccine uptake, public health infrastructure, long-term funding for public health, the measles outbreak, substance use and misuse trends, and more.

The content on this page highlights written and oral Congressional testimonies from ASTHO members and public health leaders on the day’s leading public health issues.