ASTHO works with state and territorial health agencies to increase access to behavioral health services for pregnant and postpartum individuals experiencing substance use and mental health challenges. We also work to support these populations through the full range of subsequent outcomes, including prenatal exposure such as neonatal abstinence syndrome. These complex issues require working across agencies, provider groups, communities, and social services to improve prevention, treatment, and care for families who experience mental health concerns and substance use disorder. Learn more about our work below.
Supporting Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Opioid Use Disorder
This three-part infographic series is based on best practices to support pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder and infants prenatally exposed to opioids.
Explore the SeriesOpioid Use Disorder Toolkit: Supporting the Public Health Response in Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
California health officials and partner organizations piloted a toolkit on prevention strategies and community resources regarding the effects of SUD on birthing people and their infants.
Explore the Findings (PDF)Building Capacity and Dedicating Field Staff to Address Substance Use Disorders during COVID-19
States are working to address the fact that COVID-19 has overwhelmed healthcare and public health across the nation and has also exacerbated cases of substance use disorder and rates of drug overdose.
Read the Blog Post