ASTHO works with state, territorial, and freely associated state health agencies to establish upstream policies that address and prevent ACEs. ASTHO bases capacity building and technical assistance efforts on ongoing scans that examine trends in ACEs legislation.

Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Policy Toolkit
This toolkit identifies strategies for preventing ACEs, the role of public health in ACEs across levels of government, and policy development strategies to inform ACEs prevention.
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Collaborative Policymaking to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota
This study identifies successful collaborative policymaking in Minnesota.
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Adverse Childhood Experiences Policy Statement
ASTHO offers guidance on preventing ACEs through the recommendations of policies and system-wide changes.
View the Statement (PDF)
State/Territorial Policy Considerations for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences
This policy playbook identifies a range of evidence-supported policies considered by state legislatures from 2019 – 2021 that could prevent ACEs.
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States Stepping Up to Support Families and Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences
This blog features how states can support families and reduce ACEs (e.g., expanding tax credits, combating food insecurity, and securing safe housing) based on the 2022 legislative scan.
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Policies Supporting Young Families Can Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences
Policies supporting young families can reduce adverse childhood experiences by enacting prevention measures and promoting safe environments for children to live, grow, and play.
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