All COVID-19 Resources

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Braiding and Layering Funding to Address Supportive Housing


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the intersections of social determinants of health, such as transportation, education, and housing, and their impact on the health of individuals and communities. As the moratorium on evictions ends in ...

Data-Driven Primary Prevention Strategies for Adverse Childhood Experiences


Surveilling and monitoring data is key to informing programmatic and policy work, documenting progress and impact, setting relevant adverse childhood experiences-related state priorities, and influencing policy to address prevention. This ...

It’s a Weighty Matter: Exploring PRAMS Weights

This session focuses on increasing awareness on how PRAMS weights are constructed, how to properly subset data for weighted analyses, and when health department staff should be worried about over/under estimation. The presenters provide ...

Looking Upstream: The Impact of Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful events, including child abuse and other household challenges, that can have a negative impact on early brain development and lifelong health. In this episode, our guests discuss how states ...

Multi-State Network of Linked PRAMS and Clinical Outcomes Data for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

Multi-State Network of Linked PRAMS and Clinical Outcomes Data for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Shannon Vance, Stephany Strahle, Shanna Cox, Sowmya Kuruganti, Lauren Kipling Multi-state network of linked Pregnancy Risk Assessment ...

Using Data to Combat Opioid-Related Harms


In February 2019, ASTHO surveyed its members to understand how data is being utilized to address these harms in their jurisdictions. This brief summarizes the results of this survey and highlights data-based approaches used to address four ...

Linking Datasets to Address Racial Equity in Maternal and Child Health Outcomes

Linking Datasets to Address Racial Equity in Maternal and Child Health Outcomes astho, association of state and territorial health officials, data sources, people of color, centers for disease control, racial inequities, advance racial ...

What I Wish I Knew Before Linking Data

What I Wish I Knew Before Linking Data ASTHO, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, linking data, data linkage, family and child health, public health, data linkage research, public health agencies, north Carolina, ...

Data Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for Indigenous Communities

In this episode, three experts discuss the Federal Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality’s most recent report on American Indian and Alaska Native health outcomes and the data-focused recommendations for states and ...

The Importance of Collecting Data on Pregnant Women and Infants During Public Health Emergencies


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pregnant people and infants more severely than some other populations. As such, it is important to pay special attention to this vulnerable group.