People with chronic diseases have suffered the most during the pandemic both in rates of COVID-19 mortality and morbidity, and the health disparities that exist in those with chronic disease and poor social determinants of health are ...
May is Mental Health Month, and in 2020, health officials are tasked with navigating the impact of COVID-19 on the behavioral health system. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to surge as communities continue ...
Experts from the Washington State Department of Health discuss understanding and addressing climate and equity concerns.
Medicaid is a publicly-funded health insurance program that currently covers 74 million people in the United States. Opportunities exist through Medicaid to address the social determinants of health. An ASTHO senior director in the Center ...
On this bonus episode of Public Health Review, we chat with Stanley Campbell, CEO and CTO EagleForce. Campbell is an expert in artificial intelligence who knows how to leverage data in the fight against disease.
ASTHO’s Senior Leadership Reserve Corps is helping state health officials and their agencies achieve their goals, like the revitalization of Wisconsin’s Public Health Council.
In this episode of Public Health Review, we speak with Michael Fraser about his profound legacy as CEO, celebrate ASTHO’s extraordinary achievements under his tenure, and wish him well in his new position at the College of American ...
On this episode of Public Health Review: restaurant inspections go online in South Carolina, how they're working, and what's next as public health makes changes in response to the pandemic.
Maine launched an innovative initiative focused on improving future health outcomes for youth by helping them connect to their communities and reminding them that that they matter.
Medicaid plays a critical role in providing access to health services for low-income U.S. citizens in the five U.S. territories. However, Medicaid financing in the territories has been underfunded compared to states. In this episode, ...