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Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center Tackles Childhood Obesity


The Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center is tackling childhood obesity through Community Health Opportunities Organized with Schools at the Epicenter (CHOOSE), a multi-partner and multi-level intervention for communities in Connecticut.

Wisconsin at Intersection of Public Health and Youth Justice


An in-depth look at how Wisconsin state agencies are partnering across sectors and systems to strengthen supports for children and youth to stop the cycle of incarceration.

Nation’s Health Officials Very Concerned About the Public Health Impact of Family Separations at the U.S.-Mexico Border


Nation’s Health Officials Very Concerned About the Public Health Impact of Family Separations at the U.S.-Mexico Border ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, chief executive officer of ASTHO, issued the following statement today in response to the ...

ASTHO Member and West Virginia Health Commissioner Rahul Gupta Testifies on Nation’s Opioid Epidemic


ASTHO Member and West Virginia Health Commissioner Rahul Gupta Testifies on Nation’s Opioid Epidemic ARLINGTON, VA—Rahul Gupta, commissioner and state health officer at the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources’ Bureau for ...

Health Officials Encourage Flu Shots to Protect Pregnant Women and Infants


Health Officials Encourage Flu Shots to Protect Pregnant Women and Infants ARLINGTON, VA—Flu season has arrived in the United States and with influenza activity on the rise, being vaccinated against the flu for people six months and older ...

State and Territorial Health Leaders Praise Surgeon General’s Report on E-Cigarettes


State and Territorial Health Leaders Praise Surgeon General’s Report on E-Cigarettes ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) praises U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy for issuing a first ...

Multistate Measles Outbreak Drives Up State Health Agency Costs and Points to Importance of Quality Immunization Communication


Multistate Measles Outbreak Drives Up State Health Agency Costs and Points to Importance of Quality Immunization Communication ARLINGTON, VA—With the Disneyland measles outbreak up to 87 cases in seven states as of Jan. 26, state ...

Looking Upstream: The Impact of Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful events, including child abuse and other household challenges, that can have a negative impact on early brain development and lifelong health. In this episode, our guests discuss how states ...

Supporting Breastfeeding and Maternal Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This ASTHOBrief discusses how breastfeeding acts as a protective factor for maternal mental health, negative impacts of COVID-19 on breastfeeding and maternal mental health, state actions to improve maternal mental healthcare and lactation ...

Data-Driven Primary Prevention Strategies for Adverse Childhood Experiences


Surveilling and monitoring data is key to informing programmatic and policy work, documenting progress and impact, setting relevant adverse childhood experiences-related state priorities, and influencing policy to address prevention. This ...

Rhode Island Coordinates Statewide Efforts to Address Lead Exposure in Maternal and Child Health Populations


The Rhode Island Department of Health is working with primary care providers in the state to provide services and implement prevention measures that will eliminate lead poisoning and increase screening rates.

Policy Considerations for Reducing Congenital Syphilis


This report focuses on promising strategies in four different policy areas to address rising congenital syphilis rates. While no single policy solution will address the structural challenges to diagnosing and treating syphilis among people ...

Collaborative Policymaking to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota


Minnesota's Healthy Start Act is an example of the power of cross-sector collaboration to prevent adverse childhood experiences.

Improving Youth Behavioral Health Through School-Based Strategies


This infographic highlights 10 high-level strategies to advance work in school behavioral health.

Community Action Plan Templates for Children’s Environmental Health

Community Action Plan Templates for Children’s Environmental Health Environmental Health Community Action Plan Templates Health agencies can use these community action plan templates to bolster their children’s environmental health ...

Inclusive Contracting: Successes to Advance Breastfeeding Equity


Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures continue the inequitable distribution of all ...

The Importance of Family Engagement in Breastfeeding Programs


Every August, national, state, and local breastfeeding stakeholders celebrate National Breastfeeding Month by engaging each other and the public in conversations about changes needed to build a landscape of breastfeeding support. The 2021 ...