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Improving Community Access to Care Through Health Disparities Grant


Improving Community Access to Care Through Health Disparities Grant Learn how states have addressed COVID-related health disparities and improved health equity in their jurisdictions in these case studies. In 2021, as part of the COVID-19 ...

Leveraging Public Health Assets in Medicaid Managed Care

This three-part report maps the public health capacities, assets, and resources onto the obligations and direction of Medicaid agencies and their managed care health plans.

Cross-Sector Partnerships to Improve Health and Housing Outcomes: Resource Guide

This report synthesizes partnership, financing, and data-sharing approaches that healthcare, housing providers, and other sectors can undertake to improve health and housing outcomes.

Tobacco Use in King County Washington: A Medicaid Data Analysis Report

Tobacco Use in King County Washington: A Medicaid Data Analysis Report ASTHO Staff, King County Staff, University of Washington Staff Washington state provides an excellent model for integrating Medicaid data to address tobacco use. ...

Collaborations Between Health Systems and Community-Based Organizations

Across the nation, healthcare delivery systems and community-based organizations are developing partnerships to address the social determinants of health and behavioral health needs of the populations they serve. This report details ...