Breastfeeding Support Through Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

June 16, 2020

Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (PQCs) are state or multi-state networks of teams that work to improve clinical care for mothers and infants, primarily by identifying healthcare processes that need improvement and rapidly aligning to enact change. This infographic outlines recommendations for how PQCs can promote breastfeeding through quality improvement strategies, and includes examples of three state PQCs that have improved policies, procedures, and practices to better support breastfeeding in hospitals.

Get the Infographic (PDF)

This infographic is part of ASTHO’s larger suite of products on how PQCs can improve maternal and child health by supporting breastfeeding, and is meant to accompany the 2018 ASTHOReport entitled Perinatal Quality Collaboratives Support Breastfeeding (PDF).